This Just Goes to Show How Important Communication Skills Really Are.

March 6, 2008. Uncategorized.


  1. meisty replied:

    I loved that video. I love that it’s funny because of how true it is. Some people really have no idea how to properly communicate.

  2. Laura replied:

    That video was hilarious. I really wanted to reach into the screen rip the gum out of his mouth and shake him. I’d like to think that video was made up, but Sean is right, some people really have no idea how to communicate effectively and professionally.

  3. raymcilroy replied:

    Very nice.

  4. Joseph Wilburn replied:

    It’s from the Office guys. LOL. It’s totally fake, but, I’ve talked to people like that before. Like nails on a chalkboard talkin’ to ’em

  5. confessionsofastudentblogger replied:

    This video is too funny. I’ve actually interviewed people like this before.

  6. fortheloveofwine replied:

    At least I can go through life knowing that no matter how terrible the communication mistake I make will be, it will NEVER be as painful as that interview.

    The poor interviewer needs to get a job in the wine industry.

  7. daragoulet replied:

    Ricky Gervais and I need to go on a date. Because he is a comic genius. I need to go watch my Office dvds now.

  8. juniorwellander replied:


  9. ctoni replied:


  10. abeauchamp replied:

    hahah, good video!

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